Milan, 13 January 2015 – The Board of Directors of Maire Tecnimont S.p.A., held on today’s date, resolved to cancel the ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting scheduled for 20 and 21 January 2015, respectively in first and second call, and also to call a new ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for 18 February 2015 on first call and, if required, for 19 February 2015 on second call, with the same agenda of the ordinary part and the integration of the extraordinary part agenda aimed at introducing the institution of the double-voting rights in the Company By-laws. The ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting will therefore be called to deliberate on the following agenda:

Ordinary part

  1. Appointment of a Director.
  2. Integration of the Board of Statutory Auditors.
  3. Amendment of the Shareholders' Meeting Regulations; related and consequent resolutions.
  4. Authorization to exercise competitive activity pursuant to art. 2390 of the Civil Code to a Director; related and consequent resolutions.

Extraordinary part

    1. Proposal to amend the articles 9, 16, 17, 20, 21 and 23 of the By-laws; replacement in the By-laws of references to the Issuer which shall be referred to as the "Company"; related and consequent resolutions.
    2. Proposal to amend the article 6 of the By-laws and introduction of articles 6 bis, 6 ter and 6 quater in accordance with article 127 quinquies of Legislative Decree 58/1998 and article 20, paragraph 1 bis of Decree Law 91/2014 converted by Law 116/2014 (increase of the vote); related and consequent resolutions.

    The Shareholders’ Meeting call notice and the directors’ memos will be available pursuant to the law on the Company website at Governance/Shareholders’ Meeting Documents section (, and in the other manners provided for by the applicable law.

      Maire Tecnimont S.p.A.

      Maire Tecnimont S.p.A. is a company listed with the Milan stock exchange. It heads an industrial group (the Maire Tecnimont Group) that leads the international Engineering & Construction (E&C), Technology & Licensing and Energy Business Development & Ventures markets, with specific competences in plants, particularly in the hydrocarbons segment (Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals and Fertilisers), as well as in Power Generation and Infrastructures. The Maire Tecnimont Group operates in approximately 30 different countries, numbering around 45 operative companies and a workforce of about 4300 employees, of whom over half work abroad. For more information:

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      Riccardo Guglielmetti

      Tel +39 02 6313-7823

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