Those who were present on that clear evening in Milan, in October 2015, remember it with a sense of emotion. To celebrate Maire Tecnimont’s tenth anniversary, the Garibaldi Towers of the Group’s headquarters were illuminated at the inspiring event that was part of the initiative “TEN to ONE: Toward the Future”. At the Group’s first global convention, the new strategic vision based on the Group’s values was launched, what would later become the eight Mottos, the common heritage of the company. There needed to be a way to keep the atmosphere of shared and collective commitment of that event alive, where we all felt called upon to contribute to a new common history.

In 2017, on the wave of what immediately showed itself to be a cultural evolution, as well as a corporate reorganization, EVOLVE was born – the magazine you are browsing through right now – conceived of not only as a tool for reflection in order to share experiences and results, but with the ambition of providing readers with stimuli and narratives that would be useful to better interpret the changes underway, both at an economic and a geopolitical level. And more: the magazine was meant to keep the flame of that shared endeavor alive.

«Right from the start, – explains Carlo Nicolais, editor in chief of the magazine – we didn’t want EVOLVE to become the classic corporate news magazine, where managers and their team “talk about themselves” with self-referential language. We imagined a tool that would go beyond any single project and the numbers they obtained: the idea was to take a closer look at the Mottos, the distinctive pillars that define the Group’s corporate culture, the Maire Tecnimont way, or rather, the professional approach and interpersonal attributes with which each person in the Group could feel like they were the protagonist of their own work every day. A work of value, making an irreplaceable contribution: and without paternalism!»

Along with the reflections of the Israeli historian, in the following pages you will find a scattering of snippets from the joint work of Kai-Fu Lee, former president of Google China and author of a number of bestsellers on artificial intelligence, and renowned novelist Chen Qiufan, a science fiction writer who is very popular among Chinese audiences. The two authors have published “Artificial Intelligence 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future”, a collection of ten compelling stories (set in San Francisco, Tokyo, Mumbai, Seoul, Monaco) that help the reader take a look into the future, imagining a world – the year 2041 – shaped by artificial intelligence.

To round out the thoughts of these internationally renowned intellectuals, we thought it would be interesting to add a few excerpts from the work of Italian sociologist Daniela Bandera, CEO of Nomesis and national past president of EWMD Italia (European Women’s Management Development). Bandera is the author of the essay “L’impresa coevolutiva, le quattro sfide del management” (The coevolutionary enterprise, the four management challenges), a theory that combines suggestions from the various schools of organizational sociology, as well as from other sciences and disciplines. Leveraging lateral thinking, the text offers reflections that outline the relationship between organizations and the external environment in an original way. The coevolutionary approach presents management with four major challenges: continuous change; a new relationship with the market; the creation of collective intelligence; leadership. “The acronym Smart – the author explains – encapsulates the key words of the coevolutionary organization: social-sensitive, meritocratic, enabling, reflective, and transformative”